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Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct refers to the respect of rules & regulations laid down by the school authority, respect school property, Co-operate with & support each other & take responsibility to create a safe environment for all. Teaching-learning process should not get disturbed by any disruptive activities. Any type of illegal activities & harsh treatment will be dealt accordingly. Rules are framed to feel safe in school.

Some Point To Keep In Mind To Create Discipline In School.

  1. I - Student Should Not damage School Property.
  2. II - Student Should Not do unruly behavior in class/school.
  3. III - Student Should Not bunk School/ Class.
  4. IV - Student Should Not bring Cell Phone, Ipods, Jewelry, Expensive Articles & Other Irrelevant Material In School
  5. V - Student Should Not indulge in violence in any form.
  6. VI - Student Should Not write anything on uniform, walls of school or on any other property of school.
  7. VII - Student Should Not use abusive language.
  8. VIII - Student Should Not come in incomplete school uniform.
  9. IX - Student Should Not damage library property.
  10. X - Student Should Not bring injury causing articles in school.
  11. XI - Student Should Not gamble, use drugs.
  12. XII - Student Should Not bring crackers in school.
  13. XIII - Money for canteen purpose
    1. 1. Primary classes = Rs 5/-
    2. 2. Middle classes = Rs 10/-
    3. 3. Senior classes = Rs 20/-
  14. XIV - Student Should Not come late to school.
  15. XV - Student Should Not misbehave in school transport.
  16. XVI - Parents must not misbehave in School.
  17. XVII - Motor vehicles are not allowed in the school.
  18. XVIII - Students must come to school at least 10 min. before the first bell for assembly.

Disciplinary Actions

  1. 1st action - Verbal Warning.
  2. 2nd action - Written Warning.
  3. 3rd action - Black Listed.
  4. 4th action - Suspension.
  5. 5th action - Name Struck Off from School.

General Instruction

All correspondence must be addressed to the Principal. Parents and guardians are not allowed to visit their wards or teachers in the classrooms. The school is not responsible for any injury (or harm) that a student may sustain inadvertently during school or during his/ her pursuit of any extra-curricular activities.All the articles and belongings should bear the student's name, class and section. Parents are required to attend the parent-teacher meetings regularly. Parents must come to school immediately when called by the school. Parents must check the daily assignment of their ward. At least 75% attendance in a session is required for the student to appear in exams & to get promoted in next class. The school is not responsible for goods lost. Children are discouraged to bring any expensive article to the school.However goods lost if found will be kept in office.No student should be sent to the school if he/she is suffering from any contagious or infectious disease.

School Timings

  1. Summer Timings at 7:30 A.M to 1:00 P.M
  2. Winter Timings at 8:30 A.M to 2:30 P.M.


  1. 1- Planned leave must be applied well in advance.
  2. 2- In case of planned leave, an application should be given in advance & in case of emergency the guardian has to inform the school about the situation & can submit the leave application later.
  3. 3- Absent without information for more than 6 consecutive days permits school authority to strike off the name of the absentee from the school rolls.
  5. 5- In case of sickness parents will be informed by the school authority.


P.T (winter only)
